4474 Onondaga Rd., Onondaga, Mi 49264 517 628 3086
Onondaga Community Church 4474 Onondaga Road Onondaga, Michigan 49264
The Onondaga Community Church is a place where people of all ages and backgrounds gather to provide a family-oriented, Christian environment in our community. Our primary goal is to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Good News of God's love. We welcome all who would like to praise God and hear His word. Our caring, loving fellowship centers around growth in Christian understanding, the sharing of each other's burdens and joys, and the service of others in Christ's spirit. We are a fellowship united by our allegiance to God, made known to us in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. As a Congregational Church, we seek to be led by the Holy Spirit rather than by creeds and cannons. Our members' Christian-conscience is our guide to conduct. We are autonomous , self-governing and entirely free from external control. There are no bishops, popes, or national councils, with any authority to dictate the policies ,programs, worship , or other affairs of our church. Our only authority is the Holy Bible , and God is at the center of all we do.
Our founders first began spreading God's word during Sunday School classes back in 1839, within a few short years after Oliver Booth became the first settler in the area in 1834. Back then, there were just a few log cabins and Sunday School students consisted of both children of the white settlers and children of the local Pottawatomie Indian tribe. For a few years, worshipers gathered for Sunday service in each other's homes until the first school house was built, which served as both school and church. It wasn't until nearly 40 years later, in 1877, that members of the Onondaga community were able to worship in their own church - the first church in the town of Onondaga. It's dedication was October 16, 1877. That original building served the community for 136 years , until October 5, 2013, when we held our first full service in our current facility.
Something to think about. . .What if you only had today what you praised God for yesterday? everyone Has purpose. Is valued. Is accepted. Is invited. Do you ever feel lost in the crowd—a number, a statistic, an outsider? If you’re tired of feeling disconnected and alone, there is a place where you can come be known and loved. It’s at Onondaga Community Church. Our church is a family, where every member is valued, friendships are important and people are encouraged to use their unique talents to help others. More than just friendly, at Onondaga Community Church you’ll find a group of people building real relationships, experiencing spiritual growth, and serving our community and the world. Please stop in this weekend. – you’re important to us! Worship service is every Sunday at 10:30am.